Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells was an American actor born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but raised within San Francisco CA. Wells gained notoriety for her performance as Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's girlfriend in the 1985 movie Back to the Future. Wells was as a character in Stop the Madness in 1985 which was a drug-related music video that was produced by the Reagan administration. The film featured a number of famous actors, musicians as well as sportsmen. In the following year, she appeared in the television film Babies Having Babies and played the lead in the short-lived series Fast Times a television adaptation of the popular 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia was able to take a break from performing despite the fact that she was moving up the ladder in her career. Her mother was just diagnosed as a cancer survivor. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells has amassed over 50 credits across the fields of film, TV and theatre. However, she believes that her true acting career lies ahead of her. She is looking for a sexy character who are not afraid to challenge the status quo and defy the status quo. When she is not working in the field of charity or acting as an actress on set Claudia oversees her fine clothes store for men, Armani Wells which you can learn more about by visiting the website

Kelly Nash has been a broadcaster and sports journalist in America for several years. Presently employed by MLB and NHL channels Kelly is one of the most popular personalities in American broadcasting. Her college degree was obtained from Clemson University. After that, she went to Miami, where she completed her masters program for broadcast journalist. Since her early years, Kelly was aspired to working in television stations since she believed the work associated with TV to be interesting and glamorous. She joined ACC Digital Network immediately after finishing her training working as Production Assistant and Intern. When her training period ended, she was transferred onto Fox Sports Florida and later began working at Fox Sports Sun. They put in a lot of effort before eventually climbing through the ranks and was able to secure the position of MLB Network. MLB Network is America's most popular sports news channel. In her current role as a co-host, she is responsible for a network popular show called "The Rundown. The social media pages she has created permit her to remain in touch with a lot of her followers.

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